Concession Stand Volunteer Guidelines
Thank you in advance for volunteering for Concession Stand duty for the Raptors program. The Concession Stand is an important source of revenue for our organization as it helps keep football and cheer registration costs low and pays for improvements for equipment. Your volunteerism also sets a great example for our players! Please take a moment to review the following guidelines. We hope that you enjoy your time volunteering for the Raptors Youth Sports program!
1. All Concession Stand volunteer assignment sign ups will be sent out by the Volunteer Coordinator via email, Team Snap and/or social media at the beginning of the season.
2. Each family is responsible to fulfill 4 volunteer hours in the season. This can be broken up into 2 hour increments during multiple games/dates. You will be able to sign up for one shift in concessions, and one shift outside of concessions.
3. If a volunteer cannot meet their obligation they signed up for, volunteers will need to notify the Volunteer Coordinator at least 3 days prior to their shift. Please email them at with questions.
4. We are subject to the Tacoma Health Department rules and regulations regarding food handing and serving. While each volunteer is not required to have a food handlers card, each position is responsible for understanding the health department requirements and abiding by those responsibilities. There will be laminated printouts detailing each job and their health department requirements, such as specific food temperatures required, glove and hand washing requirements, etc. Failure to follow these health department requirements could subject the Raptors organization up to $1000 fine and possible loss of our food license. For more information on food safety for consumers, please visit:
5. If we do not get enough volunteers for a shift, the following positions will not be available until a full shift is present:
• 5 volunteers - full concessions
• 4 volunteers - no fryer position (cannot sell french fries)
• 3 volunteers - no fryer or grill position (cannot sell french fries, hamburgers, hot dogs, breakfast sandwiches)
6. At the start of each concession volunteer shift (please arrive 10 minutes early), volunteers should report to the concession stand and sign in on the schedule posted near the cash register.
7. The prior shift position holder will be responsible for explaining the duties and responsibilities of their position to the next volunteer.
8. Concession volunteers generally must be 18 years of age. No one under the age of 18 can run the cash register, grill or fryer. For approval to register a volunteer under 18 years of age, please contact a Concession Director.
9. Shift times will be determined based on the schedule we receive from the district. The first shift will include unloading the trailer and setting up the concession area. The last shift of each day will include closing tasks such as cleaning and putting away equipment.
10. Food for the Referees and district employees are always free. Please contact a concession director with questions. Volunteers should pay for any food or drink they consume.
11. Food is not allowed on the field under any circumstances, ONLY WATER. Teams must clean up after each game!! We need to keep BLHS clean and set a good example for our visiting players. Failure to do so could result in the Raptors organization losing use of the field for future games/seasons.
What can a shift look like?
When a volunteer arrives for their position, they should sign in on the sign in sheet located at the cash register 10 minutes prior to their shift. All positions are required to wash their hands prior to starting a shift.
The cashier: This position will need to have a basic understanding of math. When handling money, this position cannot handle food unless hand washing happens first.
The grill: This position will be responsible for grilling of all hot dogs, hamburgers and breakfast sandwiches. Gloves are not required but an apron is recommended. All foods must be temped at 160 prior to serving to a customer. Cheese will need to be applied with tongs.
The fryer: This position will be responsible for frying french fries. Please mind the grease as splash back can happen. An apron is recommended. Fries should be cooked until golden brown. This position will also be responsible for filling food orders from the holding stations. All food from holding stations must be temped at 135 degrees prior to serving to a customer.
Nachos: This position will be responsible for serving nachos and fulfilling hot drink orders like coffee and hot cocoa. Chili and cheese must be temped to 135 degrees prior to serving to customers. Runner: The runner will help with retrieving items from the freezer for the grill and fryer positions, as well as refilling the drink coolers as needed, and any other tasks assigned.
All other open spots will be used as "runners". These positions will hand out drinks, get more supplies for positions who cannot leave their station, help with bread at the grill (must wear gloves for this spot), and any other help needed.
What other information do I need to know?
We are mandated by the Tacoma Health Department and are subject to inspection multiple times per season and violations can be costly for our organization! Both concession directors are volunteers and are responsible for maintaining our food licenses, ordering and managing the food prior to each game, final cleaning of all equipment between games and monitoring all volunteers to ensure no violations happen.
We depend heavily on our parent volunteers to run our concession stand successfully during each game day. If you have any questions or concerns about our process or procedures, please do not hesitate to reach out to
Thank you for volunteering for the Raptors Youth Sports organization!!