We are a non for profit youth organization geared towards tackle football and cheerleading.  Our cheer program expanded their season to include a competition team.  We have recently started up a second new program in the off season of tackle football, 7v7 Passing and 5v5 Lineman league, also known as Raptors Elite.  Any donation given to Raptors Youth Sports will get put into the programs in areas of need.

To include but not limited to:

  • Scholarships: we never want a child to miss out on an activity due to financial hardships.  So we do offer a limited number of scholarships each year.
  • Safety supplies.
  • Gear, such as helmets, shoulder pads, cheer stunt supplies.
  • Overall expenses to run the organization.

All donations are tax deductible.  We accept Zelle and Venmo!

Ways to Donate!